end of life DC Parts

A DC Parts is a company specialized in providing solutions for IT equipment that is out of warranty. With more than 5 years of experience in the market, our company stands out by offering comprehensive maintenance, repair, replacement and parts resale services for a variety of recognized brands, including Cisco, Dell EMC, HPE, IBM, NetApp, among others.

What is EOL and how does it impact the availability of IT equipment?

What is EOL (End of Life) and how does it impact companies?

EOL, an acronym for “End of Life” (end of life, in Portuguese), is a term used in the context of products, especially hardware and software. It indicates that a product has reached the end of its useful life cycle, which happens when a manufacturer decides to discontinue production of equipment or when a specific component […]

What is EOL (End of Life) and how does it impact companies? Read More »

A DC Parts stands out in this market, offering high quality EOL equipment and parts, with a 1-year warranty and specialized technical support. In addition DC Parts has strict quality control in its control and testing processes, ensuring the reliability of the equipment supplied.

The EOL Market on the Rise: Understand the Reasons Behind this Trend

In recent years, a notable phenomenon has been occurring in the Brazilian information technology (IT) market: the expansion of the End-of-Life (EOL) equipment market compared to the new equipment market. This is due to the fact that many companies are looking for alternatives to update their IT infrastructures in an economical, secure and sustainable way.

The EOL Market on the Rise: Understand the Reasons Behind this Trend Read More »