Myths and fears when renewing support for your out-of-warranty IT equipment

Myths and fears of extending support in IT equipment

A DC Parts demystifies some myths and fears when it comes to renewing support for your out-of-warranty IT equipment

Here we will list some myths, problems and needs that we observe in many companies with their IT equipment, whose manufacturer's warranty is expiring. And, above all, we will highlight how the DC Parts can bring benefits to companies faced with this type of challenge.

Manufacturers often encourage their customers to replace their equipment as quickly as possible. However, it is crucial that this equipment continues to meet the demand for which it was designed.

When analyzing the market, we decided to carry out an analysis of more than 250 customer contracts that use Data Center equipment. We find that in many cases, 40-60% of these customers' equipment operates beyond their support end dates.

Based on this data, we will highlight some important points about maintaining equipment that is offline. Most importantly, we will highlight the importance of having a partner capable of maintaining the entire operational infrastructure.

Some myths and fears that many companies have:

  • Some pieces of equipment are no longer warranted, and damaged parts are no longer manufactured.
  • Companies hesitate to purchase independent parts due to distrust regarding their quality.
  • There is a belief that these parts can compromise the performance of the equipment and, consequently, damage it.
  • The cost of replacing complete equipment is high.
  • Companies that sell parts tend to take a long time to respond to proposals and make deliveries.
  • In some situations, the purchaser does not have the necessary knowledge about the equipment and needs guidance.
  • Companies have an urgent need to obtain new parts.
  • When the company purchases the part, but does not have someone to carry out the installation.
  • There are parts that are difficult to locate.

need and how to DC Parts resolves:

  • We are able to supply replacement parts, whether new or discontinued, for IT equipment.
  • We track and locate the toughest premium parts on the market. Furthermore, we guarantee the quality and performance of the parts delivered, as we have trusted distributors in the USA and Europe, with whom we maintain long-standing relationships.
  • In other words, we understand and want to contribute to reducing our customers' capital expenditures (Capex), which are capital investments intended to generate profits.
  • Above all, we respond quickly both with proposals and quotes and with the delivery of parts.
  • We offer technical support by monitoring installations and clarifying doubts.
  • We install purchased equipment and parts.

The benefits we offer to our customers:

  • Extend the life of the active infrastructure.
  • Reduce the cost of maintaining the equipment, as after the end of the warranty (3 to 5 years), the cost of an extension is high, as is the complete replacement of the unit.
  • We offer a quick solution.
  • We provide personalized advice.
  • We provide access to low prices.
  • We present the best price when compared to the use of parts and components with manufacturer's warranty.

We offer simple options so you can reduce your expenses and, most importantly, feel more confident about your IT infrastructure.

By choosing a customized solution to extend the life of your IT equipment, you can realize big savings.

Na DC Parts, we provide our customers with a unique assessment to assist in analyzing their OEM support contracts.

This way, you can understand exactly which devices can be supported most affordably, without compromising their performance.

In this way the DC Parts brings benefits to companies.


Call our product team at 011 3022-4694 or send an email to:


All the hardware in the DC Parts is fully tested, guaranteed and comes with a 90-day warranty. Above all, we will support you before, during and after the sale.

Product Experience:

In other words, we know how important it is that you get the product you need to meet your needs. In addition, we have a sales team and agile logistics to make the shortest possible delivery times possible.

Sending proposals within 2 business days, experimenting with data centers and integrators and we always try to get the best price.

Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions about compatibility, condition or the best product available for your need.

Our website represents only a fraction of the pieces we work with. But you can contact your complete requirements or equipment lists.


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