Customer Success

How we avoid staff displacement from one state

maintenance DC Parts

If we were unable to resolve the situation, the customer would need to move an IT team from another state, in an attempt to remake part of the system.

CHALLENGE: The main challenge in this case study was to solve the customer's problem and avoid the need for team displacement from one state

CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT: The equipment that failed was a controller. this flaw was enough to compromise the system.

OPPORTUNITIES: In this work, our team identified failures in both the controllers and their batteries. From accessing the equipment via console, it was possible to carry out the commands to rebalance the virtual disk. and from that, the certified specialist identified the failures and solved them as follows:

  • We successfully restarted the data reconstruction, which took about 12 hours to complete.

We return to the customer to finalize the procedure, replace the batteries, enable the controllers' cache and, most importantly, restore 100% of the equipment's operation.


This case study reveals the demands of most of the customers of DC Parts, in need of emergency support.

In many cases, companies do not have scheduled maintenance on their equipment, which puts not only the devices at risk, but all the information that is stored on these sites.

Investing in preventive maintenance is the best way. In addition, it is possible to extend the equipment warranty on more favorable terms than those offered by the manufacturer and resellers of the brands.

Identifying solutions that reduce costs and increase the security of your IT area is no longer an option, it is a necessity for all companies, be they financial institutions, public agencies, private entities, among others.

Get in touch with our team of experts, to understand which solutions can help in the management of IT equipment

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